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It's B1A4 :P |
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come into nae maeum dot com~ |
I’ll be sure to show you my heart, I love you like a love song
Like it like it like it x3
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It's B1A4 :P |
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come into nae maeum dot com~ |
Finally! After about 2 years, they won the first place for the first time since their debut on M! Countdown. Congratulations! well, they deserve to win the best after all the hardwork and also 'Be Mine' is a really great song to listen to. INSPIRIT will always support you, and I'm really proud to be an INSPIRIT. Keep on producing many great songs. INFINITE daebak!
p/s: Manager, the boys need a new dorm, please~
p/s: I will always remember this day-the day Infinite won the first place-
p/s: It is on 1th September 2011
Oh yeah! Finally dah raya. Semua mesti sedang bergembira tapi aku, berduka lara kerana sekolah akan mula buka tak lama lagi. Tinggal 4 hari je lagi cuti. Oh, kalau lah boleh cuti lagi seminggu.. It would be really nice. and Yeah! PMR is getting nearer. Scared? Of course I do. But, they said PMR is easy like counting sheep. Well, I don't believe them. Oh yeah! There are tonnes of homework that I've to finish. Bye!
Oh yeah, Yeah! Esok dah raya. Siapa je kut tak gembira? dan aku, dengan hati yang gembiranya menunggu kepulangan sedara aku. Oh, dan aku tak sabar nak jumpa dia. :) Cepat pulang ya~ HAHA.
Happy Celebrating Eid to all muslims, all over the galaxy. Appreciate what you have in this world and utilize it for goodness.
Favourite quote: "Love isn't always a pain. Love is something that we must dare to live for."
Omo~Omo~ Group Gula Gula dah debut dah. Gila ah. Aku tak percaya. Agak-agaknya diterima tak diorang ni sebagai penghibur? NO COMMENT. Aku harap mereka berjaya lah. =P
p/s: macam kucing hilang anak. Bagi aku, BE ORIGINAL IS BETTER.
Terlebih dahulu kawan, maaf dipinta. Aku TERlupa HARI BERSEJARAH kau. Maaf sangat-sangat. Sumpah doe, menyesal gila. HAHA. Anyway, sayang, HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY. Semoga panjang umur and dapat result gempak nanti okehh? :) LOVE YOU. =P
Oh man, I hate the boys! Truly hate them soo much!! Yesterday we celebrated the Teacher's Day. So there was a lot of activities including performances thingy. To be genuine, almost all of the performances really boring, except "soley-soley" so most of the time I spent to sleep or etc etc. Then, I heard a loud music. A K-pop music that I've never heard before. And I saw Leng, my 'friend' on the stage ready to dance. And I was like, he look cool. Just then he started to dance and he was so cool! It was Before The Dawn-Infinite. I want to scream, but you know, a lot of seniors around me, so I just remained silent but deep inside my heart only god knows. and the boys behind was sooo irritating! Don't worry Leng, you did your best and you were so cool and you managed to capture my heart! You are so cool and you manage to dance coolly because you listened to your heart. Ignore the silly sakais! They are just jealous. and thanks to you too because of you I like Infinite. I've never know they are cool too. and now, I'm officially, Infinite's fans. =D Happy huh?
p/s: MR, never thought you are just like them!
Assalamualaikum and well, hello.. Okey, where I should I start? NVM. Begin sajalah...
Walaouiii... Kalau hari hari macam ni, aku boleh jadi stalker handalan di dunia. Hari-hari stalk profile fb dia. Memang Hebat! Goodluck untuk esok! Sleep tight, jangan lupa baca buku, doa, er, prepare elok-elok, er, makan breakfast dulu, er, jawab elok-elok lah. okeh?
Tersebutnya kisah, pada hari Isnin lalu.. Ok, aku tahu, Sense of humor aku tak menjadi. Tak ape. So, aku dan rakan-rakan telah memerima kunjungan dan er, apa ye? Rombongan? yelah, rombongan dan kunjungan pelajar SMK Rompin nun jauh disana ke mari untuk... apa aku tak tahu.. Maybe kunjungan dan lawatan belajar kut.. Maaf, aku tak pasti.. So, yeah! Aku dapat kawan baru! Ho yeah! *Happy Happy* Tapi sungguh malang, hanya untuk seminggu. Seminggu itu amat bermakna buat 3K. Kan, kan? ==' Oh Ye, Lupa kenalkan mereka-mereka!
Oh! Another vlogger! I favor this one better than Mentol Pecah.. Why? Because Matluthfi is just way too cool for me.. Haha. Tipu! ==' Entah, just watch, and you'll know the reasons!
p/s: Dia kacak. Hahaha =='
So, sayang, kebelakangan ini aku asyik depress and tension. How did I ease my mind? By watching Mentol Pecah's video every weekend lah!.. Lame huh? But they are awesome! Really made me rolling on the floor. They are just so awesome! HAHAHAHA =='
Asalamualaikum dan selamat semua.. Bermula dari post ini, aku ingin berubah. Oh yeah? Berubah! Tapi sebelum tu, siapa rasa aku mengada dan stubborn dan annoying, silalah baca post ini.. Kebelakangan ni aku asyik tension dengan study pressure, peers pressure and family pressure.. Actually, it's ain't a big problem, but when everything mixed together, BOMB! It's a serious problem to me. Where I learnt something new, "Buat baik berpada pada" Wonder why? Sebab tiada orang menghargai aku seadanya. Takpe. Aku dah biasa. But a part of me sekarang tengah rebel. For no reasons, dan aku tak tahu salah siapa. = =' so, di kesempatan ini, dalam post ini, sebelum aku mati, aku nak minta maaf sangat sangat kalau banyak buat salah.
Aku nak marah, tak boleh, nak mengadu, siapalah mahu mendengar, nak cakap kang korang kata mengumpat.. Jadi aku diamkan diri jelah. Aku memang tak boleh orang tuduh aku, secara tiba-tiba tanpa alasan yang munasabah dan boleh diterima kepala otak dan hati. Aku rasa depressed of course, marah, tak payah tanyalah! The not-problem is, Aku tak rapat pun dengan dia, tiba-tiba aku kena tuduh yang aku ni telah ".............."<---- =(. Tapi aku punya lah jauh dari dia, dia kata akulah penyebabnya.. Secara tiba-tiba! Siapa tak bengang duhh, dahlah pagitu mood aku macam sial. Bila orang kata bukan-bukan memanglah naik api aku.. so fuu~ Aku senyap jelah. Aku bosan dan aku dah penat jaga perasaan orang lain, sampai aku pun tak faham kenapa aku buat macam tu. 'Dia' cakap macam tu, aku senyap je. Jujur, waktu tu aku rasa nak hempuk kepala dia dengan pasu kat belakang dia, tapi aku sabar dan aku tahan.. Dia fikir diri dia je, tak pernah nak fikir apa yang orang lain rasa. Aku pun nak belajar jugak, takkan nak membusuk dan membodoh duduk kat rumah.. Lepastu korang dapat 9A aku dapat straight D.. Amboi sedap.. Memang aku suka.. Dahlah! Cara aku nak fikir pasal mereka.. Esok aku cuti lagi. Sehari je tau! Esok is my last day tak datang sekolah. so, maaf ye. By the way, aku tak PONTENG, tapi dapat MC doktor, sumpah tak tipu! Sebab mereka-mereka, aku terpaksa duduk rumah TAK BELAJAR.. Takpe, kali ini aku mengalah, lain kali, talk to my socks, hell yeah! NEVER! Just once, and this is the last time, I remind you!
Nah, ambik awak! Saya tak datang sekolah hari ini, jangan salahkan saya ye kalau awak kena chickenpox nanti.. Sebab saya tak datang sekolah, so, awak memang takkan berjangkit apa apa penyakit pun dari saya.. Jangan Salahkan saya ye, Jangan salahkan saya!
p/s: Biar aku bodoh sorang sorang kat rumah.. Biar korang je dapat 9a, biar aku 9C.. Biar, Biar.. =P
OH, OH, i just can't stop from listening to this awesome song! They rocks! they're cool! They're awesome! Seriously! Oh, U-Kwon, I just can't take my eyes over you. You are superb cool..! Kyung's rap <--- so cool! Jaehyo, forgot his dance part, luckily he didn't spoil their debut performance! He still can cover his mistakes. *A huge sigh* Sumpah, Cool gila!!! U-Kwon especially, superb cool! Oh, U-Kwon <---- my bias!
Macam mana aku boleh lupa? Macam mana aku boleh lupa password tu! Benda kecil macam tempe tu pun aku boleh lupa! Macam mana! Sumpah, rasa nak marah! Sumpah, mati kena telan dengan badai gempa taufan tsunami kilat.. DUHHHH, tak sabar! Tak sabar!!
I just re-watch this drama on youtube.. The first episode really made me rolling on the floor.. Funny + Romantic + Cute. and, Jang Geun Seuk and Moon Geun Young! Oh, how I love watched them together. They make a great pair, aren't they? So, if you guys still haven't watch this drama, why wouldn't you give 'em a try? It's really nice!
Yeah, yeah, Chicken pox ni memang membunuhku.. Seriously, This is my the-very-first-time kena chickenpox, and, it is totally awful, and itchy and pain. It's like something is touring on your body and yes, I'm sick of it! and I really hate it! Oh man, there's six months left before PMR, just SIX MONTHS! I don't have much time to study, so, hunny-bunny-cutie-annoying chickenpox, please stop doing your silly work damaging my body! I want to go to school and I want to study! Have some mercy on me. And I would be happy if you do so. But one awesome thing I know, people who have been infected by this disease has a very low chances to get this particular cancer after adolescence(that is what I watched on TV. The Wanita Hari Ini tv program) . Yes, of course I'm glad to know that.I don't want to die faster. But, for those who had never infected with this very-annoying disease, you should get an injection from the hospitals under the doctor's advice. so, do take care of your health, so you can take care of the world.. haha
Bila dia dah pergi rasa macam tiada takde semangat.. Eceehh.. Bak kata Iz, tiada sumber inspirasi gitu.. Ouh, sungguh, sungguh mengada.. Aku harap dia segera pulang.. Dan good-luck untuk acara yang akan disertai.. Aku tahu susah nak ****** dengan cermat, tapi aku tahu, kau boleh buat punya.. Kau kan, *******... Malaysia Bolehh!! ******* Bolehh! Maaf sebab tak sempat nak jumpa sebelum kau pergi.. Aku doakan kau selamat sampai, selamat pulang..
p/s: Maaf, aku rindu! *Hormon tak seimbang*
Aku rindu Park Song Ho akulah.. Rindu sangat.. Ehh, sapa Park Song Ho? Korang kenal? Confirm tak kenal.. Sebab aku tak pernah cerita pun.. Sejarah lama aku dan Song Ho biarlah berkubur begitu sahaja.. Aku tak nak ingat saat saat manis aku bersama dia.. Nanti makin rindu.. Susah, bhai! (Cewwaahhh) Aku tetiba ingat kat dia lepas bukak email tadi... Ahhh, dah lama dia tak balas email aku.. Mesti dia busykan.. Almaklumlah, dia dah masuk Universiti kot.. Dah habis high school lah katakan.. Sampai tak reti nak update blog, mamat ni.. Song Ho Ya~ Fighting! Hope to meet you again someday..=P Wish you will get good results in all your exams and cheers! There's nothing can stop you, man!
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